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Day Four of Yoga Teacher Training

The week leading up to this fourth day was a little stressful. I felt like I had not studied enough or practiced enough the warm up routine I had put together to practice teach that day. I did have a truly great time getting together with one of the other students to practice our routines! We met and guided each other through our routines, then talked more about yoga. I was still feeling unprepared for Sunday.

Fun yoga with Kate

It turns out we were not presenting our warm up routine that Sunday, but the following Sunday! That was a big relief.

The main focus of day four was human anatomy. There was a lot of anatomical terms that were new to me and I have spent this week studying them whenever I have found free time. Science is something I learned when I was young in French, not English, so it is like learning all over again. I also never really paid much attention to anatomy lessons when I was in school! I have watched a few YouTube videos that explain these terms visually to help me.

I might write another post later on to share those helpful videos. The Sagital, transverse, coronal planes...the abduction/adduction, flexion/extension, ballistic, passive, facilitated...all those new terms for me ...I will get them down!

The afternoon of day four focused on a variation of sun salutation a, learning chair pose, chaturanga, and upward facing dog poses. I love how we deconstruct the poses and learn everything about it. To me, it’s fascinating.

Sorting out the sun salutation a variation cards to put them in order

We closed our day with our seated circle and affirming we were complete. Our teacher pointed out that our circle was getting closer each week and that we were all sitting very close to each other that day, it was a beautiful thing to see the growth already and the friendships developing. I agree completely. This small group of women were brought together for this yoga teacher training and we are discovering each other as we learn together. It is beautiful.

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